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Forms & Rewards

Here I have listed some of the forms I use and passout, and also the

different rewards I offer to my daycare children and their parents.

"INTERVIEW SHEET" (used on our first interview)


Child’s Name(s)______________________________________

Parents Name(s)______________________________________


Phone Number_______________


Please check all that apply & fill out appropriate places.



___Working Full Time       ___Working Part Time      ___Absent


___Working Full Time       ___Working Part Time      ___Absent



Nutrition Guidelines-

___No Sugar     ___Limited Sugar   ___No Salt   ___Limited Salt

___No juice, unless diluted with water  

___No Meat   ___No Cows milk  




___Every____hours wet or dry

___As needed

___Use diaper rash cream, lotion, powder after every change, Explain_____________________________________________



Potty Training-

___Is Potty Trained

___Currently in Diapers/ Pullup ___Ask Every Hour  

___Ask before every meal  ___On Demand


Nap Rules/Schedule-

___No Nap

___Nap Routine______________________________________

___On demand (when tired)



___time out, list time out minutes you prefer__________________

___Reasoning, such as no activity that day: Explain what you  prefer_______________________________________________




Entertainment- (Check if okay)

___Television:How Long?_________________________________

___Restricted Television shows, movies_____________________


___Nintendo, Playstation, etc-_____________________________





Special Needs and Medications-____________________________



Religious Preferences-____________________________________

Is it okay to talk about God, and read stories from the Bible?

___YES     ___NO_____


Former Childcare & Phone Number-





Reason left former daycare-_______________________________



Are you looking for Temporary Childcare or Permanent Childcare?



Date Childcare Needed-___________________________________

Days/ Hours Needed-_______________________________________



Paying arrangements (if accepted)- payday:____________

(Please circle)

weekly/ biweekly/ state paid/ promise jobs


Daily Sheets
I fill these forms out each day to keep the parents informed of daily events.
I have a different form for infants, potty-trained, and school-aged children also.
"Children Rewards"
Happy Faces Bucket:-)

"Preschool-Aged Children"
The chidren get to choose a toy out of the "Happy Face Bucket" on Friday, if they have had a good week. The kids, and their parents, LOVE it! And it's a great encouragement!

"School-Aged Children" (Done in Summer when School aged kids are here)
The children get 1 points for each good thing that they do and lose 1 points when they don't do a good job. They need to get 2-20 Points, and they get a prize, something of their interest. I have prizes labeled that they can "buy" with their points. Since I have been doing this it has really worked out wonderfully.
I have been doing this for the school-aged children, but also for the those who are in the process of "potty training," whenever she makes it through the day with no accidents ,they get points- YAY!
I keep track of all the childrens progress on a big board so they can view it all the time as well as their parents.
"Parent Rewards"

Whenever a parent I provide childcare for, refers someone to me for childcare services, and I accept the family [full time only] they will receive one free week of childcare after a month of enrollment. This is just my way of saying Thank You!