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On this page I've listed and described our different activities and our daily agenda. I pass these forms out to the parents I provide childcare for.

  Our Daily Agenda:
Hours: 7AM-5:30PM Monday-Friday

*We do practice safe handwashing before each meal.
BREAKFAST: is not served past 8:00am. I do need to be informed if your child/children did not have breakfast and I will not force them to eat if they refuse.
AFTER BREAKFAST: Playtime [i.e.. cartoons, toys, outside play, Nintendo, Computer]
9:30: Snack Time
AFTER SNACK: Activity (i.e.. coloring, painting, learning activity, play dough, crafts,etc) [see Activity Schedule] - after Activity we have playtime until 11:00am and go upstairs while I prepare lunch.
11:00am: Lunch preparation
11:30-12:00pm: Lunch (*I am on the Food Program)
After Lunch: Naptime (those who dont nap watch a movie or read books until all kids wake up or until Snack time.)
2:30: Snack
AFTER SNACK: Play Outside, or go to nearby park, (If it is not nice out, we usually just stay in, turn on some music, play games. and/or Ill read a story.)
Supper: I do not usually serve supper, but will upon request.
Mealplans are printed the week prior and available upon request. Activity Calendars and a Newsletter will be passed out at the beginnning of each month.

POTTY TRAINING: I would like to be informed if your child is potty training, I will happily encourage them while they are in my care.

MY PROMISE: is to take the best possible care of your children.

DISCIPLINE: I will never strike or spank your children, I do use time out, if children need some "cooling off," I will usually just redirect them to a more suitable activity. I encourage good manners and good behavior.

We had a Carnival and invited all of the parents! My son dressed up like a clown and made balloon animals for the kids. We had games in different areas and snacks. The Carnival concluded our "Circus" Theme. It was a blast!Smile
  Activity Schedule:
Time: 10:00AM
(Done after AM Snack)

Art Activity- Coloring in coloring books or sheets, painting/fingerpainting, using stampers and ink, stencils, collages, etc.
Educational/Learning Activity- We will study different areas each month. I will pick a theme each month and focus on it throughout the month. For Example, some that we have already learned are: shapes, animals, multicultural/diversity, safety awareness, and feelings/manners. We will continue to always focus on the basics each day, like the alphabet and counting. They all love to try to count as high as they can using numbers and objects. I keep you informed each day as to what we're learning and print a calendar of these planned activities for you each month.
Play Dough- Every child loves play dough! This is definitely a once a week activity.
Educational Activity/Review- We will review the learning area, or we will study another that goes along with our theme. For example, when we learned about animals, we would learn about a different one each Tuesday and Thursday of the month. When we studied shapes we would focus on that shape the whole week, to be able to recognize it more. Though, we do continue to review throughout the month.
Crafts- I love thinking of a different craft each week, it will be based on a current event or holiday. We will experience working with glue, (safety) scissors, folding, and putting our craft together. I will help more with the younger children, 2 and under. Usually kids 3 years and up want to do it themselves.

Time: 3:00PM
(Done after PM Snack)
If it's nice out, we normally play outside. The kids love playing in the sandbox, swinging, and going down the slide. We like to look for ladybugs and grasshoppers too. If it's not very nice out, we will turn on some music and dance silly! The kids love playing with the parachute also, in some way we will always have some time for physical activity. I will always try to read a story on top of all these things, as that is a big part of their learning.

One of our Science Experiments!

We put white carnations in water with food coloring added to the water! Wa-La They turn to color! Laughing


Fan Craft! We took a paper plate and folded it in half. I cut a small slit in the bottom to put a popsicle stick through. I hot glued it in place and glued the edges. The kids decorated with markers. This should cool them off in this hot weather Cool

Thank You For Your Interest!!!